Einladung zum Gastvortrag von Helena Tužinská

09.04.2024 -
SU 33.0.008

Die AG Kommunaldolmetschen am Institut für theoretische und angewandte Translationswissenschaft (ITAT) lädt herzlich zu folgendem Gastvortrag ein:


Plain Language in Administrative Communication with Refugees. Interpreter’s Challenges and Ethnographic Perspectives

Helena Tužinská (Comenius-Universität Bratislava)


Dienstag, 9. April 2024, 18:00

Ort: Simultanübungsraum 33.0.008, ITAT (WALL-Gebäude, Merangasse 70, EG)



Abridgement and interpretation of complex directives for foreigners is, under certain circumstances, left to the interpreters. In the RESPLAIN project, aimed at enhancing the comprehensibility of legally important documents, state representatives, legal experts, and language experts have created plain language versions of asylum procedure rights and obligations, complemented with iconic symbols. Helena Tužinská discusses ethnographic observations and questions of clarity in instructing refugees: how can one refrain from legal complexity while preserving the original meaning of binding instructions?


Helena Tužinská is an Associate Professor at the Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, focused on issues related to communication, rituals, sociolinguistics and anthropology of law. She is currently publishing on topics related to communicative space, interpreting and cultural expertise. As a researcher she lead a collaborative project between state actors, NGOs and UNHCR - Research and Response: Plain Language in Administrative Communication with Refugees (RESPLAIN).


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David Weiss für die AG Kommunaldolmetschen