Workshop „Feministische Translationswissenschaft und Geschlechterforschung: interdisziplinäre Annäherungen"
8.11.2024, 9-16 Uhr, UR. 33.2.106
Von 18.10.2024 auf 8.11.2024 verschoben !
Der Workshop steht im Zeichen eines universitätsinternen und interdisziplinären Austauschs über konzeptuelle und theoretische Verbindungslinien zwischen der Geschlechterforschung und der feministisch orientierten Translationswissenschaft. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf dem analytischen Potenzial, das die Dimension "Übersetzen" in feministische Forschung einzubringen vermag. Gleichzeitig verfolgt der Workshop das Ziel, die Rezeption der feministischen Translationswissenschaft innerhalb der Geschlechterstudien zu fördern sowie auch die Anwendung geschlechtertheoretischer Forschungsansätze in der Translationswissenschaft zu stärken.

Workshop "Towards a feminist translation theory? Connecting feminist and translation theory”
14-15 November 2024, Department of Translation Studies, room 33.2.106 (2nd floor)
The last decade has seen an unprecedented revival in the study of feminism and translation. Numerous anthologies, special issues, and monographs attest to this boom. All these works do not only provide extensive overviews of the state of the art of Feminist Translation Studies within and beyond the Anglo-American Eurozone and outline the potential future pathways of the discipline. They also explore and challenge prominent feminist theories and analytical categories, including ‘gender’, ‘intersectionality’, ‘transnationalism’, or ‘resignification’. Feminist scholars, on the other hand, continue to remain largely unconcerned with translation-related matters.
Against this background, the workshop pursues two goals: Firstly, it aims to provide possible explanations for the persistent imbalance in the relationship between feminist studies and Feminist Translation Studies. How can the latter enrich feminist research on a broader level? How should this be done? And what analytical potential does the dimension of translation actually bring to feminist research?
The second step will address how these considerations may be incorporated into the conception of a feminist theory of translation. In the spirit of a transdisciplinary endeavour, the proposed theory shall eventually not only be applicable to original translation studies research, but might also advance the research questions and approaches of non-translation studies scholars. The workshop does, of course, not aspire to produce a fully developed theory. Rather, it aims to lay the groundwork by exploring the potentially defining features of a feminist translation theory.
The workshop is realised within the FWF-funded research project "Women-translation-activism".